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Give to Meanstreet Worship Center


Giving is an act of honor, adoration sacrifice to God and His Kingdom. Here at Meanstreet Worship Center, your tithe and offering counts. Our church and ministries can make an impact in our communities when you give. 


"God promises to bless those who are generous to the poor. God promises repayment for our generosity. When we give, the Bible says we are storing up treasures in heaven. The saying is true, “Wherever your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). By investing in God’s kingdom our hearts align with God’s values and we experience His spiritual blessings. We also have the privilege of participating in God’s kingdom work!"


ways you can donate:



Give in person at Meanstreet Worship Center. Envelopes available upon request.


Give online to Meanstreet Worship Center by clicking the link below.

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